16 asjatundjat 17-st, kes teda vanglas 3 nädalat järjest jälgisid, arvavad, et ta on süüdiv ehk siis terve mõistusega.
Minu jaoks siiani kõige asjalikuma ja mõistlikuma jutuna on mõjunud need (psühhiaatrite) tunnistused:
"Johannesen's theory is that Breivik's
sense of failure has
been of great importance that he may have been more and more radicalized
- It was so difficult for him to bear, and in the stage, he has become more radical, and ideology has been important to him to save himself.
Johannesen said he believes the defendant is different in court than in Ila, where he can allow himself to be more relaxed.
- Here in the court, he plays a role which he totally does not get to. He is a bit clumsy at it, said the witness.
He has a logical and coherent speech. He has not shown any signs of cognitive impairment. He has shown consistently good concentration and attention, good working memory, and his ability level is the average of the population, says Johannsen.
- It was so difficult for him to bear, and in the stage, he has become more radical, and ideology has been important to him to save himself.
Johannesen said he believes the defendant is different in court than in Ila, where he can allow himself to be more relaxed.
- Here in the court, he plays a role which he totally does not get to. He is a bit clumsy at it, said the witness.
He has a logical and coherent speech. He has not shown any signs of cognitive impairment. He has shown consistently good concentration and attention, good working memory, and his ability level is the average of the population, says Johannsen.
Breivik is a particularly
difficult case.
She has met many murderers and people with mental disorders, but admits, however, that Breivk is a special case.
- It is very difficult to assess psychosis in Breivik because he has an enormous amount of knowledge, although this is not the breadth of knowledge, so he has an overview of a lot.
More empathy than I first thought
Johannesen said it seemed as if Breivik moderated gradually in court.
- To me it shows that he understands that things can look very strange to others. He sees that this is more comical than he had imagined, says Johannessen of the Oslo District Court.
He believes the accused has given a credible explanation of why he sometimes smiles at inappropriate places. The witness did not want to go into detail on this, but said in court that he had seen things that could explain why the defendant smiled.
He is not an empathetic person ... but as time has gone, so I understood that he shows the person that he has been described by friends. He is a different person when he wants to play their roles.
- I would not say he has a lot of empathy for the family, but there's something there that I did not think at the very start, add to the psychological specialist.
Tried to get leaks to the media
He also says Breivik has been playing on emotions in an attempt to influence those who treated him. He also tried to get them to leak the information to the press.
- He believed what he says to us is leaking to the media, so he thought he could use a bit, said the witness.
Johannesen said this slowed as they denied that they were going to tell something from their conversations.
He is not concerned with sane safety issue as many would think. He shows an ability to anticipate the comments in the media. He can say that "At present I am probably more irresponsible," and I see on TV that is what the commentators say.
Johannesen said that the most important for Breivik is that there is interest in the matter.
- It encourages more people to read his compendium."
She has met many murderers and people with mental disorders, but admits, however, that Breivk is a special case.
- It is very difficult to assess psychosis in Breivik because he has an enormous amount of knowledge, although this is not the breadth of knowledge, so he has an overview of a lot.
More empathy than I first thought
Johannesen said it seemed as if Breivik moderated gradually in court.
- To me it shows that he understands that things can look very strange to others. He sees that this is more comical than he had imagined, says Johannessen of the Oslo District Court.
He believes the accused has given a credible explanation of why he sometimes smiles at inappropriate places. The witness did not want to go into detail on this, but said in court that he had seen things that could explain why the defendant smiled.
He is not an empathetic person ... but as time has gone, so I understood that he shows the person that he has been described by friends. He is a different person when he wants to play their roles.
- I would not say he has a lot of empathy for the family, but there's something there that I did not think at the very start, add to the psychological specialist.
Tried to get leaks to the media
He also says Breivik has been playing on emotions in an attempt to influence those who treated him. He also tried to get them to leak the information to the press.
- He believed what he says to us is leaking to the media, so he thought he could use a bit, said the witness.
Johannesen said this slowed as they denied that they were going to tell something from their conversations.
He is not concerned with sane safety issue as many would think. He shows an ability to anticipate the comments in the media. He can say that "At present I am probably more irresponsible," and I see on TV that is what the commentators say.
Johannesen said that the most important for Breivik is that there is interest in the matter.
- It encourages more people to read his compendium."
Good idea. Ma polegi tema manifesti juba üle kuu aja lugenud, kuna mulle ei meeldi arvutis pikki tekste lugeda, mistõttu..khm..peaksin kõik selle 3.nda osa välja printima, hahaa XD
ABB võluv kaitsetiim, kooseisus (vasakult): Tord Jordet, Odd Ivar Grøn, Geir Lippestad, Vibeke Hein Bæra
Reedel oli eriti vaimukas, kui üks tunnistaja (prof. Malt) kahtlustas, et Breivikul võib olla Aspergeri sündroom. Kui ma arvasin, et see on naljakas, siis naljakamaks läks, kui nägin, et ühtlasi kahtlustab ta Tourette'i sündroomi. Seda tunniajase vaatluse põhjal, mis ta kohtus tegi. No siis hakkas juba tõesti naljakas...Kari psühhiaatreid on koos ning loobitakse kõikvõimalikke diagnoose õhku: paranoiline, skisofreenik, nartsissist, psühhootiline, depressiivne, Aspergeri sündroom, Tourette'i sündroom.
Parem võiks juba tulla kohtusse ja lugeda ette kõikvõimalikud diagnoosid, mida mingite sümptomite klappimisel on võimalik panna.
Breivik oli selle tunnistaja jutust üsna häiritud ning sekkus,öeldes, et see on alandav ja solvav.
ABB katkestab tunnistajat (ilma tõlketa)
Ütles, et algul tundis ta end üsna solvatuna, aga siis tundus see kõik tema jaoks lihtsalt koomilisena.
Antud tunnistaja ütluste ajal Breivik korduvalt naeris ja muigas.
Antud tunnistaja ütluste ajal Breivik korduvalt naeris ja muigas.
"I want to congratulate Malt
with a well-executed character assassination. Maybe the best since 22
Kohtupsühhiaatrid, 2 neist (ABB-le lähemal istuvad) järeldasid, et ta on süüdiv, ülejäänud 2 järeldus oli, et ta on süüdimatu.
Selline Postimehe artikkel ka:
Mõned netikommentaarid:
"Korrektsuse mõtes tahan nüüd lugeda ka Breivik`u arvamust sellest kohtumisest. Pakun välja pealkirja - Breivik - vestlus psühholoogiga oli nagu kohtumine hulluga."
Ja mida ma isegi arvan:
"Ma sain sellest pealkirjast ja sisust nii aru, et kogu analüüsiva vestluse hoidis Breivik vestluse Kontrolli enda käes ja Kontrolls ka seda mida avaldas. Tähendab Breivik tunneb psühholoogiat ja oskab manipuleerida.
Kuigi kohtuPsühhiaatriga pole mõtet manipuleerida siis tark inimene annab edasi seda infot mida peab vajalikuks ja segab psühhiaatrit oma küsimustega, et Psühhiaater ei saaks talitada plaani kohaselt.
Kõrgemaks psühholoogiaks võib lugeda seda, kui suudad küsitlejat kogu vestluse küsitleda nii et ta ei saaks arugi et on kaotanud kontrolli vestluse üle."
Hahhaaa järgmise kommentaari peale:
"Ma loeks parema meelega tammepuust nuia meenutusi kohtumisest Breivikuga."
Sama kehtib kahe järgneva kommentaari kohta:
"Ekspert, kes endale selliseid võrdlusi lubab, ei ole tõsiseltvõetav."
"Täpselt nii. Selline ekspert on tasemelt võrreldav Miki-Hiirega."
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