Beyoncé - I Miss You
I thought that things like this get better with time
But I still need you, why is that?
You're the only image in my mind
So I still see you... around
I miss you, like everyday
Wanna be with you, but you're away
Said I miss you, missing you insane
But if I got with you, could it feel the same?
Words don't ever seem to come out right
But I still mean them, why is that?
It hurts my pride to tell you how I feel
But I still need to, why is that?
I miss you, like everyday
Wanna be with you, but you're away
I said I miss you, missing you insane
But if I got with you, could it feel the same?
Eile vaatasin lõpuks ometi ära sellise filmi nagu "Atonement"...
Täielik meistriteos, pole muud öelda. Varem olen sellelt superlavastajalt (Joe Wright) näinud "Pride and Prejudice'i", mis oli minu meelest samuti tõeline kunstiteos oma ilusate stseenidega. Kuid "Atonement" oli minu meelest veelgi võimsam. Nagu film "House of the Flying Daggers", hiilgas ka "Atonement" superesteetiliste kaadrite, ilusate stseenide, sügavate tunnetega ja loomulikult suurepärase näitlejatööga. Seda filmi kinolavalt ja kvaliteetse pildiga näha oleks tõeline elamus.
Varsti saab Joe Wright'ilt, kelle jaoks Keira Knightley on vist muusa, näha "Anna Kareninat", mille trailer lõi oma iluga pahviks.
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