Saturday, January 21, 2012

lost and gone

LOST - The Oceanic 6 Theme

"When you discover the true meaning of the events in your life, everything changes.

You feel stronger because your sense that everything has meaning gives you great confidence.

You feel wiser because you see how everything connects.

You're more in touch with who you are because you know that you're living the life you were meant to lead.

And you're happier because you're able to put your loss behind you and have a sense of a future filled with good things.

Until you get to this place, nothing is going to feel right.

We blame other people, and then we end up with the sense that the world is full of bad people.

We blame ourselves, and then instead of feeling healthy, strong, and whole we see ourselves as sick, weak, and broken.

Cowards die a thousand deaths, heroes die but once.
I'd rather live a short life without fear than the living death of a long life filled with fear."

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